August 7, 2012

Free Zombie Avatar (Mesh)

Hello there,
Thank you so much for your support always!

I haven't released new items for a long time.... because of my RL circumstances. Sorry!

Well, I made the Zombie Avatar in SL after a long time.
Buy the avatar with L$0 at my stores. (COCO & DOLLCOCO)

You need to use a MESH ENABLED VIEWER to see the Mesh items.

In fact, this Zombie avatar is one of the monsters I designed in my RL work.
I took charge of the character design for the "CRAMON" which is a free game application
in the App Store.

Please let me inform you a promotion of the App a little...

Free RPG Game for iPhone/iPod touch
Available on the App Store. (Completely, FREE! No additional charge.)

Almost Monsters are Handmade Dolls! (Some of them are hand-writing pictures.)

I hope you like the avatar and the CRAMON:)

Have a wonderful summer!

Thank you so much!

(Full Mesh DOLL Avatar & DOLL Clothing)

(Non Mesh clothing for Standard avatars)